Thursday, 7 November 2019

'Every day is different': the role of a Senior Occupational Therapist

To celebrate OT Week Sally Cuthbert, Senior Occupational Therapist explains more about her role working as a community OT in the Rushcliffe Local Mental Health Team (RLMHT).

Monday, 4 November 2019

Small change, Big impact

Esther Dark, Occupational Therapist, Maples Integrated Team, celebrates small steps to recovery and the work of OTs

Occupational Therapy week in November is an opportunity for occupational therapists (OTs) nationwide to promote and celebrate their professional influence.

This year’s theme, Small Change, Big Impact, encapsulates the work of OTs, who are often engaged in implementing interventions that may appear insignificant to the uninformed observer, but which reap abundant beneficial health outcomes. Their superficially small, everyday acts are in reality the outworking of complex clinical reasoning, significantly impacting upon the individuals and communities they work with.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Domestic Violence Awareness

Nottinghamshire Healthcare is dedicating the month of November to raising awareness and education around Domestic Violence and Abuse. This will incorporate 16 Days of Activism from 25th November to 10th December around ending Gender-Based Violence.