Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Chair's blog: I don't need research

This month our Chair, Dean Fathers, is sharing a blog post. Since October is Black History Month, he has chosen to shine a light on some inspiring BME leaders from his NHS career.

I was inspired to write this blog by a comment made by Annett on my LinkedIn page - "A great place to work is a great place to be cared for". Annett is the co-Chair of Nottinghamshire Healthcare's BME network and her quote reminded me of the research based Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) which quite clearly has the quantified evidence to back up this assertion. Intuitively I just know it to be true too. I have over the years seen the evidence of this in the behaviours of numerous people in a wide range of organisations. Annett herself is a wonderful example. Not only has she improved the quality of my life by caring enough for me to invest her valuable time in mentoring me, but she has positively impacted on the lives of so many of the staff and service users of this Trust with her infectious happiness, her complete dedication and her strong, unflappable leadership. She is much admired, highly valued and greatly respected by the Board, the leadership team, her staff and those she cares for alike.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Happy Baby Corner: returning to work

Going back to work after having a baby can be traumatic for mums. As part of our Happy Baby Corner Series, we’re sharing our tips for returning to work after having a baby.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Helping people with learning disabilities

Our Occupational Therapy Learning Disabilities Team support adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to live their lives their way.

For Learning Disability Week, from 18-24 June, some of the team have shared what they love most about their work.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Diabetes Week: taking back control

The DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) programme is offered by the Trust to people with Type 2 diabetes across Nottinghamshire. The programme aims to help people change their lifestyles so that they can manage their diabetes effectively. 

Julie from West Bridgford told us how the programme helped her take back control of her condition.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Stroke Awareness Month: Living life after stroke at 33

As part of Stroke Awareness Month throughout May, we're sharing the story of Lance.  Lance was just 33 when he suffered a major stroke whilst his wife was in labour with their first child. It left him with 'apraxia', a condition which causes difficulty in performing motor tasks, such as shaving or writing.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Happy Baby Corner: breastfeeding support groups

Our Baby and Breastfeeding Encouragement and Support groups (known as BABES groups) offer a welcoming atmosphere for all mums who breastfeed.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Happy Baby Corner: introducing solid foods

As part of our Happy Baby Corner series, we’re sharing some top tips for successful weaning.

Introducing solid foods is an important step in your baby’s development. It can be an exciting milestone but for many mums it also brings with it some anxieties and worries - am I giving him the correct foods? Will she choke? What if he won’t eat? Is she eating too much? Should I still give him milk?

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Happy Baby Corner: concerns of a breastfeeding mum

Starting to breastfeed can be a difficult time. You’re tired and emotional and then your new baby decides it’s time to feed, feed…and feed again!

As part of our new Happy Baby Corner series, Alison Jee, Infant Feeding Lead for the Trust, shares some of the most common concerns of a new breastfeeding mum and some tips for overcoming them.

Monday, 1 January 2018

How to boost your mood

Low mood can strike at any time of year, but many of us find the winter months – and January in particular – more difficult. 

January is a month of cold weather and dark nights. For many of us, it feels like there isn’t much to look forward to. Worries about our health or finances – especially if we made resolutions we couldn’t stick to – could all be affecting us. So what can you do if you need a mood boost?

Five steps to mental wellbeing

NHS Choices talks about the five steps to mental wellbeing. These are scientifically proven ways to improve your mood, and are excellent advice at any time of year. The five steps are:

·         Connect
·         Be active
·         Keep learning
·         Give to others
·         Be Mindful – or take notice

Things to try

A new hobby can help you tick off a few of the steps in one go. If you take up a new class at the gym, you could be learning, meeting people and being active all at the same time. Crafts are also a great way to learn a new skill, as well as being mindful activities (meaning you’re in the moment while you’re doing them).

You might think you’re not the type of person who goes to the gym or does a craft – but the beauty of trying something new is that you might just surprise yourself. Some ideas are:

·         Cooking
·         Running
·         Crochet or knitting
·         Walking
·         Adult colouring
·         Yoga
·         Volunteering

Small things

A good night’s sleep can do us the world of good, so make sure you’re getting your rest. If you’re having trouble sleeping, NHS Choices have some great tips for better sleep.

Having something to look forward to can also improve our mood. In a way this is the opposite of being mindful, so be happy to know these things are coming up, rather than counting down the days! But something as simple as having a date in the diary to catch up with a friend can help.

What are your top tips for lifting your mood? Let us know in the comments!

If you are struggling with your mental health, make sure you speak to your GP. You can also speak to the Samaritans 24 hours a day, for free, on 116 123 in the UK.